Subject: Temp control works, now how about fan speed monitor?
By: Drag_fan_350mph (IP: 173.15.127.*)
Written on: 16-11-2009 23:41

Heat sink guys,

Thanks much for this circuit. I have two of these installed in the back of my entertainment system to aid in keeping the DVR and Surround-sound amp cool during operation. They do work very well, but because the fans are mounted in the back or the entertainment center, I do not know if the fans are running or not. I am looking for any ideas that might be used to monitor the fan RPM.

Thanks again for keeping things cool!

By: Rbike (IP: 70.215.37.*)
Written on: 24-11-2009 21:02

You can put a LED (light emitting diode) in the power supply circuit going to the fan motor so that the LED will light up when power is being supplied to the fan. Just keep in mind that this will indicate that power is being supplied to the fan motor, and not a guarantee that the fan is spinning.
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